Thursday, August 30, 2007

Welcome to Softconnections "CEO's Desk" Blog

Welcome to the first entry of Softconnections CEO Desk blog.

My name is Jussi Teeriaho and I am the founder and CEO of Softconnection Ltd. More then 10 years ago the idea of developing an mobile application that allows mobile users to backup mobile phone data was conceived. Since then we have developed a number of mobile solutions but none more used and publicised then our SC BackUp application.

Over the coming weeks and months I hope to update this blog regularly with news and updates that occur within Softconnection. I will also use the time to specifically explain a number of Softconnections innovative mobile solutions and how they came about.

2007 has been an exciting year for Softconnection. I hope that you enjoy the news and thoughts that I will share.

Jussi Teeriaho