Monday, May 5, 2008

Back to business!

Greetings from sunny Finland. We enjoyed a beautiful spring weekend here in Finland which accompanied nicely with May day celebrations. It was relaxing to unwind a little over the long weekend but now it's back to re focusing on Softconnections final delivery of SC BackUp to partners and customers.

My optimism in the growth in usage of SC BackUp application or of similar kind of mobile backup products is increasing with a steady flow of interest coming from a number of new avenues. The only way to explain this growing interest is that mobile phone users are realising the importance of what is stored on their mobile phones. Another interesting topic of interest is that mobile users are wanting an application or tool to ease the transfer of data from one phone to another. Most mobile phone manufacturers offer a tool for data transfer using syncml technology but many written reports by consumers find that these tools are not competent enough and they also are not necessarily user friendly.

It seems that with SC BackUp we have really hit a nerve with mobile phone users in the way that the features of the backup application, backup, restore or transfer mobile data answer many of their questions and needs. I am adamant that the more people use SC BackUp, they will realise how easy securing and transferring valuable mobile data can be.

If you want to test the product for your selves then please go to and register to receive SC BackUp software to your phone today.