Thursday, April 17, 2008

The awareness of mobile phone backup is growing

It has been a while since I posted something so I thought it was time to share some news and information with you.

To begin, I would like to share some pre official announcement news that SC BackUp will soon be available in 16 different countries. This is exciting news for Softconnection as it is the beginning of the global deliverance of the SC BackUp application. This will allow users all over the world to easily activate SC BackUp to their phones. More info in the near future!

As mobile phone backup is one of my favourite topics, I must share my thoughts on the growing awareness of mobile phone backup. When surfing the net the topic of mobile phone backup pops up everywhere. This is also due to a number of new mobile backup products surfacing, but that is another topic in it's self. Even though these new mobile phone backup products are not competitive to the SC BackUp application in features etc, because of their complexity, ability only to backup important data and not restore and still using syncml technology, what these new mobile backup products have achieved is making mobile phone users realise how important it is to backup valuable mobile phone data stored on the phone. Other factors that have increased the need for mobile backup are the countless incidents and stories that we here about friends and family losing, dropping or breaking their mobile phone. And then the heart ache and annoyance of having to manually insert all you contacts into your phone again. If we haven't experienced this ourselves first hand then i am sure we all know someone who has.

With the awareness of mobile backup growing it gives Softconnection a great opportunity to assist users and offer them a complete mobile backup solution through SC BackUp. I am adamant that SC BackUp is still the only complete mobile backup and restore solution that can backup and restore phone contacts, calendars and sms data over the air using GPRS technology to a SSL std secure server. Current SC BackUp users agree that once you use SC BackUp it becomes a necessity to have on the phone as a protection for the mobile life stored on mobile phones.

I am sure that this awareness for backing up mobile phone data will only grow as 1. The usage of mobile phones increases. 2. Mobile phones increase data storage capabilities and 3. Mobile phones will be used more in business activities which will mean the data stored on the mobile phone is vital.